Massive Demonstration in Athens – Preparation of the 2Day General Strike

Δημοσιεύτηκε στις

The Trade Unions of Athens (as well as in many more cities in Greece) responded with massive demonstration to the call of PAME Against the New Law that destroys Social Security.

With the new law, which is directed by the 3rd Memorandum, signed by the Greek Government of SYRIZA the summer of 2015, Healthcare becomes an unaffordable commodity for the young workers and the pensions suffer new big cuts. New taxes are imposed to the people, while big businesses are given new tax exemptions. At the same time are being promoted changes on the functioning of the trade unions, so as to block the militant response of the workers, to make the unions puppets of the bosses.

Sotiris Poulikogiannis, member of the Executive Secretariat of PAME, spoke at the rally and stressed that ” All the talk about “tough negotiations” of the government is a fairy tale” and he added that: “And this government, as all the previous ones, stands at the side of the bourgeois class, the ship owners, the industrialists, the big hotel owners, the big retailers, the bankers. It is striving for their interests; it is negotiating for their interests, and is capable of brinkmanship for them if necessary…Our determination, which flows from the fact that our cause is just, is the strongest basis to make sure that our call for a general uprising is not simply a slogan. There is no room for illusions anymore. The rationale of the “lesser evil” leads to even worse situations. If we do not stop them with our struggle, the downward spiral will not end and our lives will become an endless torment. Enormous wealth is being produced and we produce it. Never in history was there the potential as there is today for everyone to leave a truly peaceful and beautiful life, without the exploitation of man by man. A handful of parasites and plutocrats impede this potential in order to defend their unbelievable wealth.”

PAME prepares the response of the working class with the May 1st Demonstrations and the 2Day General Strike, which is to take place the next days.

Photos from the demonstration in Athens at:



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