Massive and Militant Struggles Continue

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PAME salutes the massive mobilizations across the country, the grand rallies of Pensioners’ Federation in Athens and Thessaloniki. We support the mobilization of the metal-shipbuilding Workers with the constant struggle for the signing of Collective Agreements, the many-day struggle of the workers in many factories for decent wages and working conditions, the struggles of the contract staff in the Local Administration, the workers in the food-tourism, construction workers etc.

This path of organized, massive decisive struggle is the answer to the compromise, the notion that “nothing is moving, nothing is done”. Against the lies of the government of SYRIZA. Against the problems in the workplaces, workers should not give up time, give space. The escalation of exploitation because of new and old antiworkers’ measures must meet workers’-people’s response in every sector.


Pensioners Demonstration in Athens:

Pensioners Demonstration in Thessaloniki:

Actions in Workplaces:






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