June 22 Strike of Workers in Municipalities and Shipbuilding

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PAME calls for Solidarity with tomorrow’s strikes of the Unions of Workers in the Municipalities against Layoffs and Metalworkers and Shipbuilding Union for Collective Contract.

We strengthen class solidarity now in all sectors, with unions and workers who come forward and struggle for their lives, their wages, their work, against the offensive of the capital and its governments.

Municipalities Strike Against Layoffs

The SYRIZA-ANEL government is proceeding with the dismissal of thousands of contract workers from the Municipalities. At the same time, the already huge problems in cleanliness, food and childcare and security services will grow dramatically, giving the government the excuse to privatize them, in line with EU’s Directives. It is not a coincidence that it has left unchanged the legislation that gives the mayors the right to privatize such services, when there is lack of staff.

The government cannot hide its responsibilities, or transfer them elsewhere. It has to ensure full time, steady jobs for employees who have been working for years on the services and one night they were suddenly found on unemployment lists. The government must now solve the problems with the lack of staff in cleanliness, guarding, green and elsewhere with hiring full time, permanent employees.

Metal Shipbuilding Strike for Collective Contract

The Union of Workers in Metal and Shipbuilding Union go on strike for the signing of a Collective Labor Agreement, which will restore the last mandatory contract (2009 and 2010) to the shipbuilding repairs, is a battle that must spread across every branch.


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