Important Participation of Trade Unions in International Conference of Telecommunications

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International Conference of Workers in Telecommunications, IT and Call Centres

Solidarity with the workers in Communications and IT

 The forces of PAME in Telecommunications express our solidarity with the hundreds of thousands of our colleagues in Multinationals of Communications and IT like Hewellet Packard, NOKIA, Vodafone, Ericsson,  Telefonica, Alcatel, Deutsche Telekom etc who face the attacks of the employers.

The layoffs, the wage cuts, the flexible working relations, the attack against workers’ rights, against trade union rights and freedoms is common direction of the big monopoly groups. The monopolies attack workers’ rights to raise their profits.

Great responsibility for these developments have the trade union forces, which for years cultivated the ideology of class collaboration. They make the profitability and competitiveness of the multinationals, demand of the workers. In this direction they accept to sacrifice the rights, the wages even the jobs of the workers. Example of this is the recent congress of UNI ICTS (Information, Communication etc) where key speaker was spokesperson by the multinational Ericsson, which has made more than 5.000 layoffs during 2015.

The forces of PAME have been the van guard to stop the antiworkers attack in Greece. To move forward for the reconstruction of the trade union movement in militant direction, building massive, militant trade unions in the big monopolies. Uniting all workers of the sector against the divisions created by the new working relations, outsourcing. To isolate the forces of the employers that act in the trade union movement.

In this direction we go on with optimism, along with an important number of trade union organisations from Europe, but also from Asia, Africa and Middle East into an International Conference of Workers in Telecommunications, IT and Call Centres as a first step in the coordination, organisation and counterattack of the workers in our sector.

 We Will Not Become Slaves of the 21st Century



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