Historic Court Verdict Against the Fascists: GUILTY – Enormous Rally of PAME flooded the streets (PHOTOS-VIDEOS)

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On October 7, the trial against the Fascists of Golden Dawn reached its verdict. With thousands protesters, a sea of people surrounded the court since early morning waiting for the announcement of the verdict demanding PUT THE NAZIs IN PRISON.

The verdict was announced: GUILTY

The leadership of the fascist, Nazi, organization is convicted for leading a criminal organization. They were found guilty for the Murders of the musician Pavlos Fyssas, and the migrant Shehzad Luqman. They were found guilty for the murderous attack against PAME and a series of other crimes. Now the people wait for the announcement of the sentences demanding that the highest sentences must be imposed.

After the verdict was announced, a huge demonstration to the parliament took place. With songs and chants the demonstration reached the parliament were the unions called for a moment of silence for the victims of the fascists.

Video https://youtu.be/KzvgigDowvQ

Video https://youtu.be/03iEx7Yp4LQ

Photos https://flic.kr/s/aHsmRffbgA


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