Greece National Federation of Public Hospital Doctors On the 5day Quarantine Rule for Covid

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At a time when hospitals are decimated by staff and the in-hospital covid dispersion is increasing, at a time when large workplaces are becoming COVID dispersion centers due to lack of essential measures, the government instead of mass recruitment of permanent staff for hospitals and protection measures, it reduces the quarantine period of healthcare personnel.

The National Federation of Public Hospital Doctors of Greece (OENGE) denounces the unscientific, anti-workers, and dangerous directive from the Ministry of Health for automatic return to work of workers positive for the SARS-CoV2 virus after only five (5) days.

This directive is not based on any scientific data and was issued with the criterion of “the resilience of the economy” and with the sole purpose of serving the interests of the state, government and big business.

It is characteristic that the CDC (USA) changed its own instructions and now necessarily recommends a negative PCR – molecular test for the return of asymptomatic workers to work after 5 days.

We immediately demand the withdrawal of the unacceptable directive of the Ministry of Health because the lives of workers and public health are our first priority.



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