Greece General Strike November 9 UPDATE

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The working class of Greece goes into 24hour General National Strike on November 9 demanding Collective agreements and wage increases based on the increase in
inflation with steady Full time Job with rights and measures against inflation.

In an attempt to intimidate the workers and undermine the strike the Government attacked the strike action called by transport unions of Athens calling it illegal.

Against these intimidation tactics the class unions expressed their steadfast solidarity and the transport unions responded with complete participation in the 24hr Strike against the strike breaking attacks. NO Metro, No Bus will move!

Since dawn of November 9 picket lines have been set all over Greece and in all sectors. Industries, construction sites, ports, banks, super markets and more

See photos here

Important aspect for the success of the strike is the internationalist solidarity from unions from dozens of countries all over the world

The next hours are to take place the big strike rallies of PAME

Continuous updates at PAME International Twitter account here


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