Great Success of the General Strike in Greece November 9 (video-photos)

Δημοσιεύτηκε στις

The General Strike of November 9 in Greece meets great success. First estimates are that it is one of the most massive and successful strike actions of the recent years.

No Metro worked, no bus, no ship sailed.

Athens center was flooded. Huge participation in the strike rallies.

Warm welcome was given to the leadership of the WFTU that participated in the strike rally in Athens. From Athens the workers sent their solidarity to the workers of Belgium and France who are also on Strike. At the same time the dozens messages and actions of solidarity from workers unions from all over the world were announced receiving militant welcome.

Massive and militant strike rallies took place also around Athens, in Piraeus Port, in Lavrio near the International airport and other areas with massive participation. All over Greece strike rallies are taking place in more than 60 cities

Photos from Athens Demonstration here


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