COSCO Workers New Successful Strike for Collective Contract

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The dockworkers of the multinational COSCO in Piraeus went on a new strike on Thursday, April 19, demanding the signing of Collective Contract.

The ENEDEP Union of COSCO workers had a meeting with the management of the Multinational on Monday. At the same time during the meeting, the lawyers of the multinational were filing for a restraining order against the strike that the Union had called for April 20, if there was no progress during the Collective Bargaining. At the meeting the multinational repeated its proposal for salary increases of 3€ per day, which has been repeatedly rejected by the workers.

Against these tactics of the multinational the Union immediately called for General Assembly, informing the workers about the attempts of COSCO to undermine their struggle. The Union called for an immediate work stoppage and strike to begin immediately at midnight of April 19.

Piraeus Court convened and ruled in favor of COSCO restraining order against the dockers’ strike.

Specifically, in less than 24 hours, from Monday noon until yesterday morning, the courts of Piraeus issued 4 convictions against the strike of the workers. The set scene was so obvious that the hearings were only a few minutes long, the employers’ lawyers did not even bring witnesses to the court!

With their 4 decisions, the courts of Piraeus ruled illegal and even precautionary (!) the strike that the workers had initially decided for Wednesday, the strike that took place on Monday at noon, yesterday’s strike, as well as the strike that The Regional Trade Union Center of Piraeus had decided yesterday to formally cover that of the COSCO dockers, which had already been declared illegal.

Additionally, the international employers’ association, International Maritime Union, pressured the Government of Greece to intervene and stop the Strike in order to protect their profits.

Against the united front of employers and government the workers responded with massive solidarity and support to the striking dockers of COSCO. The Strike took place with great success and the ENEDEP Union held a new General Assembly during the strike to discuss the next steps. The workers unanimously decided:

New strike on May 1st

Collective Contract with salary increases for night work, Saturday work, work on Sundays and holidays and wage increases in all professions

To make all workers full-time, to end the hostage-situation of more than 700 workers with fixed-term contracts and only 16 days of work per month, which means half a job-half a life.

Integration of all employees in Heavy and Hazardous category, in accordance with the relevant legislation

Also, the workers decided that they will not allow any NATO docking and unloading of NATO armaments in the port of Piraeus.

The dockers of COSCO unanimously express their support to the dock workers of the USB Trade Union in Italy who refused to unload NATO ammunition, armaments etc.



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