Condemn the despicable role of the ETUC

Δημοσιεύτηκε στις

Down with those who support the pauperization of the Greek People

Condemn the despicable role of the ETUC 

In its press release on the Agreement-New Memorandum in Greece, the ETUC expresses its relief! “The EU has avoided the catastrophe of Grexit” it states, while it shows its understanding for the –once more- victimisation of the Greek people!

The position of the ETUC is a provocation against the workers of Greece and Europe. The ETUC shows, once more, its role as a defender, at any cost, of the European Commission, the EU and the interests of the Multinationals, the Capital.

When the forces of the WFTU in Greece, PAME, are at the vanguard of the organisation of workers’ struggle against the new antiworkers’ memorandum, the forces of the Capital in the trade union movement, the ETUC, celebrates for an Agreement that demands the blood of the workers, so as to save the Business Groups.

Enough blood we shed! Enough we paid!

The ETUC must be condemned by every honest, militant trade union organisation. Supporting the ETUC means support of the Memoranda, support of the butchering of workers’ rights, submission of the workers to the imperialist European Union.

PAME calls into massive, militant response to the New Memorandum of the SYRIZA Government. Unstoppable fight against the employers, against the lay offs, the wage cuts, the lock outs, in every work place, industry, neighbourhood.

Strengthen Solidarity. Immediate Measures for the protection of the Unemployed.

Down with the New Brutal and Shameful Agreement

Down with those who support the pauperization of the Greek People

Condemn the despicable role of the ETUC


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