EFood Delivery Workers Have Won!

https://youtu.be/johie0-AHeo EFood Delivery Workers Have Won! In a major development for the workers in e-services and platforms and generally for the working class of Greece, yesterday...

VIDEO Moto-Protest with Thousands Delivery Workers Demanding Jobs with Rights

https://youtu.be/KRxzh1JwxbI Thousands food-delivery workers held massive moto-protests in Athens and other cities all over Greece demanding Jobs with rights and permanent contracts against the threats...

Food Delivery Workers’ Militant Response to Blackmails and Threats

https://youtu.be/zgqdTmK9FvE Food-Delivery workers organize their militant response to the company E-FOOD (subsidiary of the German multinational DELIVERY HERO) after the company blackmailed the workers with...

Big Rally “We fight Fascism and the System that gives birth to it”

https://youtu.be/VqC_-3SqU9w On Saturday, September 18, the class unions of Piraeus, youth and members of the mass movement held a large rally with the slogan "We...

Athens Big Rally Against Antiworkers’ Reforms in Social Security

With a big rally in front of the Parliament on Wednesday, September 1st, the class unions denounced the proposed reforms in Social Security that...

Militant Rally of Fire-Affected in Evia Demanding Measures of Support

https://youtu.be/ZQNv2xSIqJo With a militant rally the Struggle Committees of those affected by the fires in the island of Evia, along with the local unions demanded...

Unions’ Action for World Environment Day

On the occasion of the World Environment Day, unions, organizations, associations, workers sent their own message: "Landfills - fires, boilers - pollution" 'Green' growth...

VIDEO Athens Musicians Action for WFTU, May 21, World Culture Day

https://youtu.be/pbV5P25TV9M The National Union of Musicians of Greece created this video from the action that was held for the initiative of WFTU on May 21,...

June 3 Big Demonstrations All Over Greece Prepare General Strike for June 10

With massive and militant demonstrations in dozens of cities all over Greece the class unions demanded the withdrawal of the anti-workers’ bill of the...