Construction Workers’ Union Protest Against Work on Sundays Attacked by Police

The Construction Workers’ Union of Athens held a protest at the Ministry of Labor, in Athens, on Monday, May 31st. The Construction Workers’ protested against...

Greece National Strike on June 3

The class unions of Greece continue their daily action for preparation of the National Strike on June 3 against the barbaric new bill proposed...

WFTU- ICATU – GUPW International Campaign for Palestine

To all the cadres of the leadership of the WFTU Dear colleagues: We are already launching the great campaign requested by our affiliates and friends in Palestine. Please...

Solidarity with the Palestinian people! Thousands protest at embassies of Israel and USA in Athens

A strong anti-imperialist message that "the only hope is the struggle of the peoples" was sent by thousands of workers, unions, associations, with a...

For the death of a 22-year-old worker in a textile factory in Tuscany, Italy

The National Federation of Textile Workers of Greece (OEKIDE), a member of PAME and WFTU, expresses its grief over the tragic death of our...

April 12 General Strike in Thriasio Industrial Area-Immediate Measures for Health Protection The class unions of Thriasio Industrial area, the industrial zone outside of Athens, held a General Strike with great success on April 12 against...

Tourism Workers’ Protest All Over Greece With a series of actions, Tourism workers’ Unions all over Greece demanded the return of all workers to their jobs, without any layoffs, no...

Aucun licenciement dans l’entreprise ORCHESTRA!

Aucun licenciement dans l’entreprise ORCHESTRA! Le Syndicat Des Travailleurs Au Commerce Du Pirée avec le Syndicat Des Travailleurs Au Commerce d’Athènes et le Syndicat Des...

Militant Actions of Unions Demand Immediate Requisition of Private Hospitals Federations, Trade Unions, mass organizations from all over Athens held simultaneous rallies both at the Ministry of Health and outside large private hospitals. At...