To the Ambassador of Peru in Athens

PAME denounces the brutal bloody repression launched by the government of Peru against the struggle of Peruvian Metalworkers on Sunday, April 4, causing the...

PAME actions to protect the unemployed people

PAME committee for the unemployment has occupied the buildings of the Ministry of Labor, the Prefecture of Larisa and the buildings of Manpower Employment...

Solidarity Message

 PAME, which rallies the class-oriented trade union movement of Greece, conveys its solidarity with the Turkish trade unions, Turk-Is, Hak-Is, DISK, Memur – Sen,...

Solidarity Message with the People of HAITI

 The Executive Secretariat of PAME (All Workers Militant Front) expresses its deep grief, solidarity and support to the working class and the people of...


 PAME condemns and denounces the strike – breaking mechanism set up in our country to move strike – breakers in Hungary, aiming to hit...

Long Live the Working Class of Japan

 LONG LIVE INTERNATIONAL SOLIDARITYDear Colleagues,On behalf of the class oriented trade unions which belong in PAME (All Workers Militant Front) and represent 400.000 workers...

Creta Farm food industry is a ghetto of cruel exploitation

 PAME denounces the employers of Creta Farm. Exploitation, oppression, intimidation, terrorism and violation of workers rights and the collective agreements between employers and workers...

Two Workers died and two workers seriously injured in Pakistan Panel Product (Pvt) Ltd

 PAME, representing the class Trade Union movement of Greece, expresses indignation for the employers’ crimes in Pakistan Panel Product (Pvt) Ltd, which had as...