Istanbul New Airport:”Ambulances are no longer using the sirens!”

At the construction site of the new airport in Istanbul, where dozens of workers have died (officially 35) and are continuous labor accidents, ambulances...

PAME Denounces the New Arrests of Workers In Turkey

PAME denounces the arrests of trade unionists and workers in Turkey during the protest of Nakliyat Is, a member of the WFTU, demanding the...

No More Dead Workers For the Profits of the Bosses

PAME expresses its condolences to the LAB Union, a member of the WFTU, for the deaths of three workers last week in the Basque...

Solidarity with the General Strike in Argentina

PAME expresses its Solidarity to the workers of Argentina for their big Strike on September 24-25. Workers in Argentina are fighting against the new anti-workers’...

PAME Website Upgrade

We are pleased to inform you that the PAME website has been upgraded, in a new, more user-friendly form. Correspondingly, PAME International pages in...

PAME Statement and List of Demands 2018-2019

Press Conference, Thessaloniki, September 7, 2018 We call upon: Those workers that say “No more” who feel that their lives, their future, the future of...

Solidarity with the Construction Workers in the New Istanbul Airport

PAME, representing the class trade union movement of Greece, stands by the side of the struggle of the workers at the new airport in...

Militant Demonstrations of PAME on September 13 On Thursday, September 13, PAME held militant demonstrations under the slogan "Forward Our Own Needs And Not The Profits Of The Few", sending a...

Stop the Persecutions of Trade Unionists – Intimidations Will Fail!

PAME denounces the new persecutions against Unionists of the Workers and small farmers Union movement. Specifically, on September 19, are going to trial at the...