Solidarity to the Struggle of the Bus Drivers of Mladenovac, Serbia

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PAME, which represents the class trade union movement of Greece, expresses its solidarity to the just struggle of the Bus Drivers and Engineers of Mladenovac who are fighting for better salaries and better working conditions.

Dear colleagues, public transport is public need and it must be of good quality and cheap, so as to be used by the workers and the people who needed it. For public transport to be of high quality and a good service to the people it is necessary the people who move the means of transport to be paid well and work under good conditions.

However, the need for profit and cuts in the public needs by the governments and the business groups destroy this important service to the people. This is why they destroy the lives and the rights of the workers who move public transport and this is unacceptable.

Workers’ rights are not a cost. Public Transport of high quality is a necessity of the people.

PAME supports the just struggle of the workers of Mladenovac buses and demands the satisfaction of their fair demands.


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