PAME Press Conference for the Developments in the Greek Trade Union Movement

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On Tuesday, February 26, PAME held a Press Conference for the Developments in the Greek Trade Union Movement.

The Press Conference was held at the city of Kalamata, where is to take place the 37th Congress of the GSEE and started with the question

“GSEE Congress: Congress of Workers or of Employers?”

The representatives of PAME stated

“On March 14-17, the 37th GSEE Congress will take place here in Kalamata. Workers’ Unions, Federations, trade unions that rally with PAME, which give every day the struggle for the organization of the working class, which we fight daily against the anti-workers’ and anti-people’s policy, unionists who we are elected through these struggles and with live real collective processes of Workers in Workers’ Unions, Federations, Unions of the Class Movement, we want to inform and to denounce to the working class that: The GSEE Congress has nothing to do with a workers’ Congress.

From this, the workers have nothing to expect for their lives and their rights. The leadership of GSEE was and is far away from needs, concerns, struggles of the working class.

We are giving this interview because we want to denounce the practices and directions followed by the forces in the GSEE leadership (Socialdemocrats, Conservatives, SYRIZA) that slanders and undermines the important issue of the functioning of trade unions and the participation of workers in them. With their practices they discourage workers from organizing and participating in struggles for their lives…  This is a mechanism to promote the strategy of the Capital, the big business groups, the employers and their Governments inside the workers’ movement

The forces of PAME are reaffirming to the workers that we will do anything on our part to reveal in every workplace, in each branch, the corruption and the rottenness of the employers-government-led unionism and to fight for the liberation of the labor movement from his deadly embrace. For the working class to get the situation in its hands and get rid of these burdens.

To strengthen the class movement.

In order to develop the struggles that bring to the fore the needs of the workers and their satisfaction, in contrast with the demands and plans of the business groups and the “strengths” of their economy. To stop the attack on workers from the capitalists and their governments, like SYRIZA, from the imperialist organizations, EU-NATO.”



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