PAME at the Congress of the Union SLOGA of Serbia

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PAME took part at the Trade Union Congress of SLOGA, Serbia, which was launched on 2 March in Belgrade.

On the occasion of the Congress, PAME visited Mladenovac’s striking bus drivers and expressed its solidarity in their struggle for wages and improving working conditions. PAME also visited buildings and areas that had been hit by the US-NATO-EU bombings in 1999.

In PAME’s speech at the Congress was noted:

“…your congress coincides with the 20 years since the foundation of our Union, of PAME. And we are very pleased that our organizations, which are in neighboring countries, with many common problems for workers, we have developed ties of friendship and cooperation, ties of solidarity and joint actions through the World Federation of Trade Unions. We are fighting against the common enemy of all workers. Against exploitation and imperialism…

20 years ago, when the murderers of USA-NATO and EU started their murderous raids against your people, PAME, with a delegation of hundreds of trade unionists from Greece, made its first international mission on the days of the bombings, to Yugoslavia. Giving its hand to the people, the workers of Serbia, who stood up against imperialism.

Today, 20 years after the war that the imperialists launched in March 1999, we are here again. Because the struggle of the workers continues. The attack of the imperialists, the business groups and their governments continues. But we also continue and we escalate our struggle.

We continue on the path of class struggle

We continue on the path of international solidarity and the friendship of the peoples.”



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