THOMAS COOK – PAME Intervention at the Greek Ministry of Labor

On September 25, the union of Tourism-Hotels Workers of Athens and many other unions of the Tourism Sector, members of PAME, realized an intervention...

Video from the Strike of September 24-Call for New GENERAL STRIKE

On the bankruptcy of ‘Thomas Cook” Group

The Tourism giant "Thomas Cook", which manages, among others, hotels in Rhodes and Crete, has gone bankrupt, leaving tens of thousands of workers without...

PAME Solidarity with General Motors Workers’ Strike

PAME that represents the class oriented union movement of Greece, expresses its solidarity with the ongoing strike of the workers in the American automaker...

Report on the Big National Strike of September 24 in Greece

 On September 24 took place a successful, militant National General Strike all over Greece following the initiative of PAME. The strike aimed against the new...

September 24, PAME Greece – Massive Strike Response To Employers And Government-VIDEO Photo

Thousands of workers took part in today's strike and strike rallies in all cities of Greece against the anti-workers' measures of the government.  From the...

PAME TV Spot for the Strike on September 24

PAME representative interview about the Strike – in Greek-

Big Demonstrations of PAME Against Anti-Trade Union Attack. Call for National General Strike on September 24

 The class unions of Greece responded  to the call of PAME and thousands demonstrated on September 17 against the anti-trade union attack of the...