16 October World Action Day of Workers in Food Industry

16 October World Action Day of Workers in Food Industry Food is a Human Right Not an area for profits for the capitalists In the meeting of...

Big Demonstration Against USA-NATO Attacked by Police (Photos-Videos)

https://youtu.be/nzQITHrqk9Y PAME and Militant Unions and Associations of Greece demonstrated today in many cities of Greece against the visit of US Secretary of State, Pompeo,...

Delegation of PAME at the Congress of FSPISH Albania

A delegation of PAME and the National Federation of Workers in Pharmaceutical Industries of Greece is in Albania to participate at the Congress of...

PAME Greece- 2 October- Massive Strike Response (VIDEO-PHOTOS)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hczOSbaJ8uM The class trade unions of Greece, thousands of workers from all sectors responded to the call of PAME and held a new massive National...

The class unions fight for the success of the Strike (photos-videos)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B8dc2USsl0U From the early hours of October 2, class unions throughout Greece have been fighting for the success of the strike at workplaces from Crete...

PAME Meeting with UD of Val de Marn

On Monday, September 30, a delegation of UD CGT 94 of Val de Marn visited the offices of PAME The delegation of Julien Leger,...

Greece-Serbia Workers’ Friendship and Solidarity Event

In a spirit of companionship and solidarity, the Friendship event and the basketball match between teams from Greece and Serbia took place on Saturday...

PAME Calls for New National General Strike on October 2

 The massive and militant participation in the Strike and the Strike rallies on September 24 gave the direction to continue and escalate the struggle. Faced...