Class Unions of Piraeus Organize Music Concert Against Fascism

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The class unions of Piraeus organized a big concert on Sunday, January 26, against fascism and the criminal-NAZI organization Golden Dawn.

With this initiative the class unions sent a message of continuation of the mass, class struggle in every neighborhood, by the workers’ and the popular movement, for the mass condemnation of the Golden Dawn and the unacceptable attempt of the prosecution in the criminal trial against Golden Dawn, to protect the Nazi criminal organization.

The unions noted that

“The class movement is not bowing its head, but more ready than ever, more determined than ever, we will not let the fascist poison to spread in the workplaces, the working class neighborhoods.The workers are one with the immigrants, with our class brothers, who suffer together for a piece of bread for our families. Together, with organized struggle, we will fight against fascism and the rotten system that gives birth to it.”





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