The USA and Greek governments’ butchers allies continue their barbaric work against the Palestinian people

In a new show of barbarism and inhumanity, armed Israeli security forces attacked the crowd accompanying the coffin of US-Palestinian journalist Shireen Abu Akleh...

PAME Intervention to the WFTU 18th Congress(VIDEO)

The Intervention of PAME in the 18th Congress of WFTU () (Video with English translation after 0:45) Dear comrades, brothers and sisters On behalf of the class unions...

Colosseum of Rome going RED for the WFTU Congress

Special moment was the welcoming of Italian militant to the delegates in front of the Colosseum of Rome  

18th WFTU Congress – The delegates paid tribute to the victims of Fascism in Italy at Fosse Ardeatine monument

The previous days the delegates paid tribute to the victims of Fascism in Italy at Fosse Ardeatine monument

VIDEO Meeting of PAME with young militants of USB Italy

One of the strongest moments of the WFTU Congress was the moving meeting of the PAME delegation with the young volunteers of USB who...

The 18th Congress of WFTU Concluded with Success and Militant Spirit

The 18th Congress of the WFTU, hosted in Rome, Italy by the USB, concluded on Sunday, May 8 with militant spirit and optimism. The Congress...