Big Demonstrations of Students-Teachers-Workers for Public Education

Δημοσιεύτηκε στις

With big demonstrations on Thursday, July 14 in Athens, Thessaloniki and Patras the people rejected the new anti-peoples’ reforms promoted by the Greek Government for Universities.

Students’ associations, University professors, teachers and workers unions held militant and massive demonstrations. In Athens the protest reached the Parliament, rejecting the tactics of the Government which once again imposed measures for education during summer.

During the rally in Athens, cadre of PAME and President of the Federation of University Employees, Niki Chronopoulou stated

“We express workers’ opposition to the bill, we are joining students, university teachers and unions, despite the government’s attempt to pass this reactionary bill in the midst of summer, holidays and exams. We will not tolerate our universities being turned into shopping malls of educational products where everything is sold and everything is bought, we do not want universities where students and their parents are customers” also noting the extension and permanentisation of “flexible” working relationships brought by the bill, at a time when universities are seriously understaffed.

The unions called for escalation of the struggle for the university that students and workers, the people, need! For university degrees with value that lead to jobs with rights and for a substantial upgrading of studies, based on the development of science, for the strengthening of student care, against its commercialization, for permanent and stable jobs for all categories of staff, for science and research for the real needs of the majority of society!


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