Multinationals Persecute Trade Unionists

  PAME denounces WIND Telecom Multinational for the lawsuit against the Board Member of the Athens Trade Union of Workers in Telecom and IT...

Militant And Massive Demonstrations Of PAME Against The New Antiworkers Taxation

  PAME held massive and militant demonstrations in many Greek cities on Sunday against the new law, imposed by the Greek Government and the...

First Conclusions From The Struggles Of The Last Months In Greece

The evening of Sunday, May 8, completed the circle of a many-month struggle by the workers’ movement of Greece against the antiworkers’ measures of...

We Condemn the Oppression Against the General Strike and the Arrests of Trade Unionists

PAME denounces the employers' intimidation tactics and oppression against the National General Strike, against workers'-strikers and union leaders. On Friday, May 6, first day...

Militant Demonstrations on the First Day of the General Strike

Greek Government, to catch the people unprepared by bringing the bill for voting in the parliament during the weekend, failed. PAME organized a The...

Greece: 6-7 May General Strike

The Government of SYRIZA, like a burglar, in an attempt to catch the workers unprepared, is bringing the social security butcher-bill, with fast track...

International Solidarity With the 2day General Strike in Greece

Solidarity With the Working Class of Greece. Solidarity with the 48hour General Strike May 6-7, Against the new Anti-Workers Measures, Promoted by Business Groups, European Union, IMF...

Solidarity with the 48hour General Strike in Greece Against the new Anti-Workers Measures

Solidarity With the Working Class of Greece Solidarity with the 48hour General Strike Against the new Anti-Workers Measures Promoted by Business Groups, European Union,...

Massive Demonstration in Athens – Preparation of the 2Day General Strike

The Trade Unions of Athens (as well as in many more cities in Greece) responded with massive demonstration to the call of PAME Against...