Workers in Food Industry TASTY (PEPSICo) Work Stoppage demand Collective Contract

The decision to demand the signing of a Collective Contract was made by an overwhelming majority of the workers of "Tasty", subsidiary of the...

23rd Congress of Pensioners’ National Federation (OSIKA) of Greece

With the participation of 325 representatives from 95 unions, representing more thousands of pensioners started the work of the 23rd Congress of the Federation...

Militant National Strike in Public Hospitals of Greece On Thursday, October 21, thousands of doctors, healthcare and sanitary workers of the public hospitals went on strike all over Greece. The healthcare personnel protested...

PAME Solidarity in the strike struggles of the working class of USA

PAME, which represents the class union movement of Greece, a member of the WFTU, expresses solidarity with the workers in the USA who are...

Telecom and IT Union of Athens – SETIP Congress started Militant and Internationalist

Telecom and IT Union of Athens SETIP held a massive meeting of workers on Sunday, October 17, 2021 in front of its elections under...

@PAME_Greece International Twitter Account

PAME launched its new multilingual Twitter Account of the International Secretariat of PAME. PAME International @PAME_Greece Through this new account PAME will inform and communicate with the...

PAME greeting at the NEHAWU Congress

PAME, which represents the class union movement of Greece, affiliate of WFTU, salutes the Congress of NEHAWU, who fight for the protection of the...

PAME Solidarity with Skoda car factory workers in Czech Republic

PAME expresses its solidarity to the workers of Skoda car factory, which is part of Volkswagen Company, in the town Mlada Boleslav, Czech Republic,...

Massive Strike Response of Teachers to the anti-Education Reforms of the Government

Thousands of Teachers, along with parents and students’ associations demonstrated on Monday, October 11 in Athens and other cities against the government’s class reforms...