Victory for Cosco workers

On Thursday, November 5, the unions of Greece held massive and militant demonstrations in many cities demanding collective contracts with better wages, better working...

Short Video on the Struggle of the Dockworkers in COSCO (Eng subs) Watch a short video with the most important and moving moments of the week-long strike of the Dockworkers in COSCO in Piraeus port. The dockworkers...

Anti Fascist Demonstration in Piraeus The Regional Trade Union of Piraeus held a militant demonstration in the Kokkinia region after a racist attack of fascist groups against migrants from...

New dangerous work accident in Patras. Immediate response with Strike by the Unions On Tuesday, November 2nd, in the company UNISOL in Patras a worker was electrocuted and severely burned during works in the factory. Despite the almost...

Greece November 4 Demonstrations and November Strike Calendar

More than 400 trade unions across Greece are calling for massive militant workers’ response and participation in demonstrations on Thursday, November 4 in Athens,...

PAME meeting with the Ambassador of Palestine

On Monday, November 1, a PAME delegation met with the Ambassador of Palestine to Greece, Marwan Toubassi, as part of the departure of the...

COSCO Dockworkers “We showed our Strength–We continue with new strike November 5-6”

  On Sunday the unions of Athens held a massive motorcade from Athens to Piraeus in solidarity with COSCO dockworkers   The regional Trade Union Center of...

COSCO Strike continues against Court Decisions and employers tactics

The Cosco dockworkers continue their strike for 6th day demanding immediate measures for the protection of their lives, after the death of their colleague...

COSCO Massive Strike rally on Thursday – The Workers continue the strike With a massive rally at the gates of COSCO docks in Piraeus the Union ENEDEP and the working class of Athens gave a militant...