PAME in WFTU’s International Conference of Solidarity with the People of Syria

PAME took part in WFTU’s International Conference of Solidarity with the People of Syria, against the imperialist intervention and the attack against the people...

PAME participated in the seminar of NEHAWU on the Greek crisis and the role of the class trade Unions

NEHAWU held a solidarity international seminar on ,Friday 04th  of September 2015 to discuss ‘Greece, the capitalist crisis and the role of the class oriented...

Massive Demonstration of PAME in Thessaloniki

PAME held a massive demonstration in Thessaloniki, (which is the second largest Greek city) on the occasion of HELEXPO. The class trade unions declared...

NEHAWU strongly supports the Anti-Austerity action plan by the Greek Union PAME

NEHAWU expresses its firm solidarity with the Greek union; All Workers Militant Front {PAME} in its struggles against the European Union imposed austerity measures....

Activities of PAME during Thessaloniki HELEXPO

During the HELEXPO in Thessaloniki the class trade unions have planned a rich activity.  On Friday, September 4, at 10:30 the Executive Secretariat of...

Solidarity with the Fight of the Chilean Students

PAME (All Workers Militant Front) that represents the class trade union movement of Greece and MAS (Students Militant Front) that represents the fighting students...

On the situation in El Dorado Gold Mines

Dozens of workers in the mines of the Canadian multinational El Dorado Gold, at Northern Greece, are in mobilizations demanding to restart the work...

Solidarity with General Strike in India

PAME (All Workers Militant Front) that represents the class trade union movement of Greece expresses its solidarity to the working class of India for...

August 13 Demonstration-Response to the New Memorandum (VIDEO)

  PAME AthensDemonstration, against the new Memorandum of SYRIZA. The Memoranda, poverty, life without rights cannot be our future, the tomorrow of the new...