Strikes and Actions by the Class Unions Prepare the General Strike of February 4

Hundreds of actions, activities and strikes in all sectors all over Greece prepare the success of the National General Strike of February 4.  On...

The Government Of SYRIZA Met Today’s Workers’ Demonstrations With Lies, Slander And Police Violence (Photos)

  The Minister of Labour of SYRIZA while presenting today the new Bill on Social Security welcomed the positions of the big capitalists...

Demonstration of PAME in front of Prime Minister’s Mansion (Photos)

  They demand the abolishment of the new bill on Social Security, which has been drafted by the SYRIZA Government, bussiness groups and...

Call for General Strike-Response to the Government’s Bill on Social Security

Dozens of Trade Unions, Federations, Labour Centres have already responded to PAME’s call for General Strike against the Government’s plans to bring a new...

Strikers of ZOURAS Industry: Thank You Letter to the American Tradeunionists who Supported the Strike

At the beginning of December trade unionists from North America, who participated in WFTU’s trade union seminar, were informed about the ongoing strike in...

Solidarity With The Workers in FORTHNET Telecom Company

For the last five years, the Telecom Company Forthnet has proceeded to the firing of hundreds of its workers in order to cut the...

Workers in EVGA Milk Industry Fight For Their Wages Against Employers’ Lock-Out

PAME condemns the Milk Industry EVGA, which instead of paying its workers their accrued wages, went on Lock-Out against the strike action of the...

Blood Donation Organized by PAME

PAME, once more called workers and trade unions to donate blood. The response to the blood donation, which was held on Sunday, December...

Militant Demonstrations of PAME on December 15 (Photos)

In spite of the “Fast Track” procedures that the SYRIZA Government used, so as to catch off guard the workers and the people...