PAME Statement and List of Demands 2018-2019

Press Conference, Thessaloniki, September 7, 2018 We call upon: Those workers that say “No more” who feel that their lives, their future, the future of...

​​Federation of Construction Workers of Greece Solidarity with the Workers of the new Istanbul Airport

The Federation of Construction Workers of Greece, member of PAME and WFTU, denounces the Turkish government that responded with violence, repression and arrests of...

We Respond to Fascism by Strengthening the Struggle for the Workers and People’s Rights

Five years since the Assassination of Pavlos Fyssas  ALL in the Demonstration on Tuesday September 18 The fascists of the Golden Dawn, the mechanism of the...

Solidarity with the Construction Workers in the New Istanbul Airport

PAME, representing the class trade union movement of Greece, stands by the side of the struggle of the workers at the new airport in...

Militant Demonstrations of PAME on September 13 On Thursday, September 13, PAME held militant demonstrations under the slogan "Forward Our Own Needs And Not The Profits Of The Few", sending a...

Stop the Persecutions of Trade Unionists – Intimidations Will Fail!

PAME denounces the new persecutions against Unionists of the Workers and small farmers Union movement. Specifically, on September 19, are going to trial at the...

Thousands Demonstrated With PAME on Saturday

Thousands of workers, unemployed, self-employed, farmers, women and young people participated in the massive and militant rallies organized by PAME in Thessaloniki on Saturday...

Piraeus Dockworkers at COSCO on Strike

The Piraeus Dockworkers of COSCO with their Union-ENEDEP- are on strike today since the early morning, demanding the signing of Collective Contract with better...

Piraeus Dock Workers of COSCO Go on Strike on September 7

PAME calls every trade union, federation, Regional Trade Union Center, every worker and unionist to stand by the great struggle of the workers at...