STOP IMPERIALISM-Solidarity with the Workers and the People of Venezuela

Workers in Greece from the PAME strike rallies on May 1st we send a message of condemnation of the dirty USA-EU, and their allies...

PAME 2019 May 1st Rallies Massive and Militant PAME salutes the thousands of workers, young workers, unemployed, pensioners, women and migrants, poor farmers, self-employed that demonstrated today all over Greece and massively...

May Day 2019 against capitalist exploitation and imperialist wars

Don't scab for the bosses Don't listen to their lies The poor don't have a chance Unless they organize Which side are you on boys? Which side are you...

Solidarity with the struggle of USB for the rehire of 33 porters in Italy

PAME, representing the class trade union movement of Greece, expresses its solidarity with the struggle of USB since 15 of April, for the rehire...

PAME Message of Condolences to the Workers of Sri Lanka

PAME condemns the terrorist attacks in Sri Lanka and expresses its condolences to the Trade Unions and workers of Sri Lanka for the victims...

Workers-Students-Parents Demonstration for Free-Public Education for All With a big demonstration in front of the Parliament in Athens, workers Unions, Students and Parents Associations protested against the Education Bill of the...

Workers’ Strikes in Construction and Telecom

 Workers in many sectors continue and escalate their struggle demanding Collective Contracts and better working conditions On Friday, April 19 took place a strike by...

Solidarity with the peoples of Cuba and Latin America

PAME, representing the class trade union movement of Greece, denounces the escalation of USA aggression against the peoples of Cuba and Latin America and...

We denounce the Fascist Attack of ITUC-ETUC against Federations and Trade Unions that rally with PAME

With a provocative, disgraceful press release, copy of the announcement of the leader of the Fascist Golden Dawn, the ETUC and ITUC are attacking...