Long live the struggle of the French workers – Long live class solidarity!

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PAME, a member of the WFTU, is firmly on the side of French workers in their fight against the Business Groups- Macron Government -EU anti workers’ measures.

The workers of France, with their huge participation in the December 5th Strike and the strike rallies, are sending the message of the continuation and escalation of the Struggle. Strike assemblies in many areas are already deciding to continue and escalate mobilizations. Strong example of the participation are the energy industries in Boughes de Rhone (PETRONEIOS / INEOS 95%, KEM ONE FOS 100%, KEM ONE LAVERA / NAPHTA 100%, TRAPIL PORT DE BOUC 100%, TOTAL LA MEDE 90%, ESSO 100%.)

In the great strike of the French workers, a PAME delegation is present and participating, expressing in action our internationalism and class solidarity.

The PAME delegation participated in meetings with trade unions and unionists in Paris area yesterday, December 4, on the eve of the strike. On December 5th, PAME participated in the strike of train workers in the Versailles area, as well as in the activities carried out by workers in the area at work and in the Palace of Versailles. At noon PAME will take part in the large strike rally in the center of Paris.

Workers of France, PAME, the Greek class unions are on your side!

Your Victory will be our Victory!

Photo: https://flic.kr/s/aHsmJP5AJ5


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