Federation of Hospital Doctors of Greece: Letter to the Turkish Medical Association

Dear colleagues, We express our support for the tragedy your people are currently facing after the devastatingearthquake. Once again nature proves that tectonic plates do...

Equipo FSM Bogotá: Demandamos el reintegro inmediato a su puesto de trabajo del compañero GIORGOS NIKOLAOU

Cordial saludo: Nos sumamos a la campaña solidaria impulsada por el PAME en favor del reintegro laboral del Presidente del SINDICATO DE EMPELADOS OPERATIVOS DE...

TUI of Pensioners and Retirees (P&R) of WFTU: Solidarity with the Workers of RIVULIS-EURODRIP Industry in Greece

RIVULIS Cancel the layoffs and stop attacks against the Unions The TUI (Trade Union International) of Pensioners of WFTU, we condemn the Israeli based...

USB expresses support and solidarity to the workers’ Union in RIVULIS-EURODRIP Industry in Greece

USB expresses support and solidarity to the workers’ Union in RIVULIS-EURODRIP Industry in Greece Demands the immediate release of the arrested trade unionist and the...

The European Regional Office (EUROF) of the WFTU alongside to the workers’ Union in RIVULIS-EURODRIP Industry in Greece

The European Regional Office (EUROF) of the WFTU, which represents thousands of workers from European trade unions affiliated to the WFTU, alongside  to the...

Unity Trade Union (Turkey): Solidarity with the Union of Employees in Private Education of Athens

Dear fellows, We denounce the layoff of the President of the Union of Employees in Private Education of Athens, Elpida Nassiopoulou on the grounds...

Organizaciones Sindicales de Mexico: Pronunciamiento abierto de solidaridad con la Huelga General en Grecia del 9 de Noviembre

Los sindicatos y organizaciones abajo firmantes manifestamos nuestra solidaridad internacionalista con el Frente Militante de los Trabajadores, (PAME, por sus siglas en griego) que...

Uruguay Frente Estudiantil Antiimperialista Saludo al Movimiento Obrero Griego

Aparecidos compañeros, Desde Uruguay queremos hacer llegar nuestro fraternal saludo a los obreros griegos que hoy están protagonizando un hito histórico no solo para Grecia,...