Uruguay Frente Estudiantil Antiimperialista Saludo al Movimiento Obrero Griego

Aparecidos compañeros, Desde Uruguay queremos hacer llegar nuestro fraternal saludo a los obreros griegos que hoy están protagonizando un hito histórico no solo para Grecia,...

México, CSUM Declaración de Solidaridad con la Huelga General del 9 de Noviembre

Los sindicatos adheridos a la Coordinadora Sindical Unitaria de México, CSUM; manifestamos nuestra solidaridad internacionalista con el Frente Militante de los Trabajadores, (PAME, por...

Sweden -Seko Klubb 111: Solidarity with the General Strike in Greece on 9th of November

Dear comrades, Seko Klubb 111, the union who organizes all the workers in Stockholm´s underground (Metro) in Sweden expresses our solidarity with the General Strike...

Μήνυμα Αλληλεγγύης ΠΕΟ με την απεργία που πραγματοποιεί το ΠΑΜΕ στις 9 Νοεμβρίου

Το Γενικό Συμβούλιο της  ΠΕΟ εκφράζει την ταξική  αλληλεγγύη των εργαζομένων της Κύπρου στη γενική πανελλαδική  απεργία που πραγματοποιεί το ΠΑΜΕ στις 9 Νοεμβρίου...

Left Bloc in the Austrian Trade Union Federation : Class oriented solidarity with the General Strike in Greece on 9th of November

Dear comrades, dear collegues, the Left Bloc in the Austrian Trade Union Federation expresses ist class oriented solidarity with the General Strike in Greece on 9th...

The North Jutland branchclub of Brick layers sends fraternal support to our comrades in Greece.

The North Jutland branchclub of Brick layers sends fraternal support to our comrades in Greece. The working class in Europe is facing a hard winter...

USB support November 9 National General Strike PAME

ALL in the struggle! All in the GENERAL STRIKE on November 9! The economic crisis, war and governments in the pay of the EU and...

European regional office WFTU is alongside November 9 National General Strike of PAME

Eurof, European regional office WFTU is alongside November 9 National General Strike of PAME invite all the european trade unions to support this important...