Invitation – International Trade Union Conference in Telecommunications

International Conference of Trade Unions of Telecommunications, IT and Call Centers October 19, 2015, Brussels     “Workers in Telecommunications, IT and Call Centers...

On the Congress of Information and Communication Technology Services (ICTS)

Recently took place the congress of UNI ICTS, which is member of the ITUC and ETUC. To understand the character of the congress we...

Protest in Solidarity with PAME at South Africa

Memorandum of demands to the embassy of the Federal Republic of  Germany in support of PAME and working families of Greece, against austerity and...

Statement of the Regional Trade Union Center of Northern Dodecanese on the attacks against migrants in the island of Kos

The problems created by the staying of migrants in open areas without the minimum hygiene measures, causes justifiable concern among the residents. Next to...

Demonstrations of PAME all over Greece Against the New Memorandum

We Can Cancel the Anti Workers Measures-Memorandums-We Can Abolish the Bosses  The coalition Government of the Socialdemocratic SYRIZA and the Far-right ANEL brings to...

NO to the Memorandum of SYRIZA-Demonstrations of PAME on Thursday, August 13

We Can Cancel the Anti Workers Measures-Memorandums We Can Abolish the Bosses Demonstrations of PAME on Thursday, August 13 The coalition Government of the...

Common Announcement and Call for Action Metalworkers of Greece and Cyprus

On 16th of July was held a meeting, in Athens, between the Metal Workers Trade Union of Cyprus (SEMMHK) and the Metalworkers Trade Union...

Information On The Attack of the SYRIZA Government Against Social Security

The Government of SYRIZA, with the support of almost all bourgeois political parties imposed new anti workers measures in Social Security. It will continue...