Campaign for the Financial Support of PAME

Δημοσιεύτηκε στις

Meeting of the National Coordinating Committee of PAME

Topic: Campaign for the Financial Support of PAME

 PAME since its foundation till today gives all its forces into organizing and coordinating the efforts of the working class, the trade unions, the federations, the Regional Trade Union Centers to counter the attack of capital, of its political representatives who attack against the rights of working class.

The work PAME has made, the organization of major strikes and other protests, the Nationwide rally of November 1, the realization of multifaceted events for all the problems of the working class families, have established PAME as a force that fights for the interests of workers, for their organization, to rally forces for freedom from the chains of capitalist barbarism.

We can meet the great responsibilities we have undertaken, facing the new developments that we have with the change of government. We can respond to the trust of thousands of workers, men and women, young workers, migrants, who understand the importance of strengthening of PAME, the class movement and expect more from us.

 Condition and term of the action of PAME is its financial support

PAME is based on workers, those who we come in contact with every day in the struggle, the interventions, the problems in the workplaces, strengthening the ties with them. PAME is based on the trade unions, the federations, the Regional Trade Union Centers, the workers’ committees in workplaces, the committees in the districts, the working class neighbourhoods.

 PAME has no other resources. Its capital is its positions, its action.

 The financial support of PAME will strengthen the class orientation, the class struggle. Financial support and financial independence of PAME strengthens the class labor movement. It gives another hard blow in the line of social dialogue, compromise, subordination.

To enable PAME to meet the increased needs of the class struggle, the organization of the struggle requires increased financial means. It is a political battle that we must give all the forces of PAME, organized and planned. The lack of financial ability is putting obstacles in our efforts.

 We will go on a Campaign for the Financial Support of PAME from March to May 2015

 We must organise well so as to succeed in the Campaign for the Financial Support of PAME. We must take into account that the economic situation of the workers is continuously worsening and we will meet bigger obstacles. We must organize well the discussion on Local Secretaries, Federations, Regional Trade Union Centers, trade unions, in the workplaces. Good use of the General Assemblies, meetings, conferences. We must have perseverance, determination, good organization, and plan, to address everywhere. Every trade union, every trade unionist, every workers’ committee must to take up the responsibility of organizing the work, putting in battle all forces. For the purposes of the campaign we will use posters for workplaces, spots for radio. Also, important contribution to the financial campaign can be the big concert that we will organise on April 26, with theme the Workers’ Songs Internationally


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