Big Demonstration of Students-Teachers-Parents for Safe Schools

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Measures for safe education and protection of students’ health were demanded on Thursday, Jan 20, by pupils, students, teachers, parents who held a massive militant rally in the center of Athens, and in many other cities. The students escalated this way the multiform actions that are unfolding all this time. They highlighted the real needs of public education against the dangerous half-measures and the repression of the Government against those who fight for their rights.

From their rally students from schools of Athens expressed the anxieties and demands of their classmates everywhere. “Instead of threatening us and trying to intimidate us, let them think about our daily lives and the additional problems that this situation has created in a school that fills us with stress and destroys us,” was the message they sent, responding to the Ministry’s efforts to use e-learning as an additional means against students mobilizations.

The students presented the reasons why they are mobilizing: “Our concerns have not only been confirmed but the situation has been much worse. Unacceptable mergers of classes, ridiculous measures such as stopping a class only after 50 + 1% of the students have been infected by covid, in addition to not having teachers in many schools even today. We are in the worst phase of the pandemic and that the measures in the schools are lesser than those in the beginning”

The students stated that they are fighting for “a school that will fill us with knowledge, dreams and optimism and not fear, insecurity and failures”. “The school we are fighting for is not utopian. It’s the school that every student deserves! “

In the demonstration expressed their support and solidarity the parents’ federation as well as the class unions of teachers, who stated the common fight for quality, public education for the children of the people.




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