Anti-Imperialist Event for the 71 Years since the Nuclear Bombings

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PAME calls all unions and workers to take part in the Anti-Imperialist event organized by the EEDYE (Greek Committee for International Detente and Peace) on August 9 at the Acropolis of Athens.

This year is the 71st anniversary of the use of nuclear bombs at the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. This was one of the most brutal crimes of imperialism causing the deaths of more than 70.000 people at once, while nuclear radiation caused the deaths of 100.000-200.000 more the years that followed. Real aim of this crime was not the, already defeated Japan, but to intimidate the peoples, the workers and peoples’ movements all over the world who challenged the power of the monopolies, of imperialism.

Today, we witness a new, more and more dangerous, round of confrontations and competitions of the USA, EU, Russia, China for the control of the energy resources, the routes of pipelines and the control of the markets, which are expressed with interventions and wars like in the cases of Syria, Libya, Ukraine and others. The attempted coup in Turkey cannot be seen outside the context of these international developments. In addition, the decisions of the recent NATO Summit opened more the path for generalized conflict among the imperialist centers.

Within these conditions, the Greek Government of SYRIZA breaks the workers’-people’s rights, burdens the people with new taxes and imposes cuts in wages and pensions, while on the other hand raises the costs for military expenditure and deepens the role of the Greece in the imperialist plans of NATO-EU.

PAME calls all workers, and all unions to strengthen the struggle and the initiatives against the imperialists’ plans and their interventions.

 To strengthen solidarity with the victims of the imperialist wars, the refugees and migrants.


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