I write to extend a message of solidarity and support for all members of WFTU-affiliated Panhellenic maritime unions, federations and workers taking action in the 48-hour national strike underway today.
RMT, and our maritime members in particular express our support and solidarity to every maritime worker in Greece, from merchant seafarers to container port workers, engaged in this inspirational fight back against the class-based assault ontheir collective power, pay, safety at work and employment rights.
The pandemic has exposed seafarers and port workers in Greece and around the world to exhausting working patterns whichdemand a collective, international response from workers and their trade unions. We are in no doubt that maritime employers see the pandemic as an opportunity to reduce pay, deregulate and force workers’ rights down to minimum international standards, wherever possible.
RMT state full and unwavering support to our brothers and sisters in Greece engaged in the struggle to protect maritime jobs and the working class.
In Solidarity
Michael Lynch
General Secretary