Militant National Strike in Public Hospitals of Greece

Δημοσιεύτηκε στις


On Thursday, October 21, thousands of doctors, healthcare and sanitary workers of the public hospitals went on strike all over Greece.

The healthcare personnel protested the plans of the Government, during the pandemic to move forward with the further privatization and undermining of public-free Healthcare, the so-called “new NHS”!

The public hospital doctors and workers protested “No to hospitals-businesses” and demanded that all shortages in staff be fulfilled with hiring of personnel with permanent contracts, no use of contractors especially in sanitary, as well as demands for cancellation of all cuts in salaries and social security and recognition of their work as Unhealthy and Hazardous. All under the demand for Unified, universal, exclusively public and free System. Demonstrations took place in Athens, Thessaloniki, Herakleion and other cities. The demonstration in Athens reached the Ministry of Health where it met with the Minister.



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