The European Trade Union Meeting organized on the initiative of PAME was successfully completed

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On Tuesday, April 20, took place with great success the online European Trade Union Meeting was organized on the initiative of PAME. The meeting was attended by 21 trade unions from 17 countries and the meeting was greeted on behalf of the World Federation of Trade Unions by the President of the Roofers local 36 Los Angeles, USA.

All participants expressed the need to develop initiatives by Europe’s trade unions against the escalation of anti-workers policy, which is a second pandemic against the workers. Extensive experience was transferred from the anti-workers’ measures promoted in the midst of a pandemic in each country and the struggles that develop in difficult conditions, while at the same time was denounced the role of trade unions controlled by the employers. The participants welcomed this initiative of PAME, sending a message for the militant celebration of Workers’ May Day.



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