20 April 2021 Pan-European Trade Union Teleconference

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PAME (All Workers Militant Front, Greece) in the context of the exchange of experience and initiatives of the European trade unions, invites you to take part in the Pan-European Trade Union Teleconference on the topic

We Strengthen the Struggle of the Working Class

For Health-Life-Rights

Against the Attack and Repression

Of EU-Governments-Employers

Workers in Europe for the last year are experiencing the consequences of the barbaric system that has been sacrificing the lives, health and rights of workers for the profits of multinationals for decades. Over the last year, across Europe, we have seen the escalation of the anti-workers’ attack by business groups, the EU and all governments, the intensification of repression against the labor movement, the abolition of democratic and trade union freedoms.

The new capitalist crisis, hastened by the outbreak of the pandemic, is leading the business groups, the European Union and the Governments of each country to a new attack on wages, working hours, social security. At the same time, the pandemic continues to reveal what the “free market”, privatizations and the logic of competitiveness and profitability in sectors such as Health, Education, transport, etc. mean for the people.

PAME in Greece and militant trade unions throughout Europe fought from the first day of the pandemic, against bans, attacks, slander and intimidations, firmly in the workplaces, in the neighborhoods, on the side of the workers. We demanded measures to protect the health and rights of workers. Prevented dismissals, wage cuts, abolition of rights.Initiatives of coordination and demand were taken. Workers’May Day was celebrated. In difficult conditions, we gave new fighting spirit, hope and courage to the Working Class.

This is the fear of the capitalists and their governments. That is why they are taking advantage of the pandemic to put obstacles in the way of trade union action, in the organization of workers. That is why they want to tie the hands of the unions, to ban the right to strike and to demonstrate.

In the face of the joint EU-Governments-Employers attack, we need to take new steps in coordinating Europe’s trade unions with joint initiatives and actions, and we invite you to participate in the discussion with your experience and suggestions for strengthening the common fight for Health-Life-Rights.


The Conference for time saving WILL TAKE PLACE IN ENGLISH through ZOOM

Intervention time 5 minutes

Registrations at [email protected]

20 April 2021 Pan-European Trade Union Teleconference – 16:00 Greek time

Details and participation codes for the meeting will be sent to those who register at [email protected]


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