Who supports the imperialist military intervention, daclares war to their own people Yesterday, 16th april, hundreds of young activists gave birth to a demonstration against the support of the Syriza-Anel greek government to the military actions towards Syria from USA, France and Great Britain, with the agreement of the other UE and NATO members. The demonstrators against the choice of hosting military bases on greek territories and allowing aircraft carriers' passage in the Aegean Sea were addressed were addressed by the government with violent repression, which is happening in several occasions throughout Europe. The riot police attacked the partecipants hitting with bats, tear gas, chemicals and flash grenades, sending three protesters to the hospital and kidnapping other three students. The Syriza-Anel government, so, surrenders lands and sea to the imperialist forces for murdering people and attacking states with the purpose of obtaining neo-colonial control in the Middle East area, and at the same time violently attacks the youth movement opposing the imperialis plans and war policy. A situation that resembles very closely the Italian one: the ruling class, that starves the people with terrible laws on jobs and social security, privatizing on the other hand the welfare state, is accessory to the warfare policy that is more and more typical of UE, USA and NATO. There are NATO military bases in our State too (the Sigonella's one is playing a crucial role in the attack towards Syria), and in the last years the public spending is dominated by investments in military structures and technologies, flourishing the great industry and interprises in this sector instead of taking care of the population's life condition and rights. This kind of policy has no effect but increasing conflicts, poverty and inequality between the people, both in countries and areas under attack and the ones that are authors and accomplices of war actions. As a trade union fighting daily for better life conditions, equality and dignity we can't avoid taking a part: stop to every war, paid with the blood of the peoples! Solidarity to the Greek people, fighting for better life conditions and against military intervention. Unione Sindacale di Base
USB-Solidarity with the Greek comrades, against the repressive assault to the anti-war youth demonstration
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