Video (with English Subtitles):
PAME, All Workers Militant Front is firmly standing by the side of the Palestinian people, while the Israeli occupation does not hesitate to imprison and even murder young children. In particular, within the framework of the International Campaign of the Youth Committee of the World Federation of Trade Unions (WFTU) regarding the Liberation of the young Palestinian, Ahed Tamimi, PAME called the trade unions and the young workers of Greece to express their Solidarity and demand the release of Ahed and all Palestinian political prisoners. In this direction, events and activities in workplaces, universities and schools took place all over Greece. Moreover, representatives of PAME visited Palestine and the village of Nabi Salih, where they met with the Tamimi family to express their support.
The class trade unions and workers from all workplaces and branches continue to stand by the heroic people of Palestine and the struggle for the Liberation of the young Ahed. Militant artists, from their side, expressed their solidarity with Ahed with a song, accompanied by a video under the title “A song for Ahed”.
PAME thanks everyone for their contribution to this great initiative of solidarity.
“A song for Ahed”
Lyrics: Anthi Mitropetrou
Music: Andreas Manolidis
Sings: Andreas Manolidis-Sylvia Kapernarou
VideoEditing: Costas Stamatopoulos-Giannis Maroudas
عهد …
من وَسَط الْحَرْبِ وَمَن الْبَحْر
تشيرين إلَى الطَّرِيقِ
مِنْ لَهَب نارِك والحمم
تصنعين وطَناً
تُرابًا لِيَجِد الَّذِينَ لَم يُكْمِلوا
يَسْكُنُهُ مَن فَقَدْنَا
وللحياة يَعُودون
اركض مِثْل الرِّيح فَوْق البحر
انتي صديقتي انتي أختي
وليكن ما يكون
سَنُغَني في معسكراتهم
ونَكْسِر الصَّمْت
نَبني عالماً جَدِيدًا
قد دَمَّروه
نَسْتَلْهِمُ الخطى مِن قُوَّتِك وشجاعتك
لنشق دَرْبٌ جَدِيد
اسْمُك يا عهد بلغتي يَعْنِي
الحُرِّيَّة . . . .