On the 27th of January took place the meeting of the National Committee of PAME in order to put together a new plan for 2018 for the escalation of our struggle.
In this meeting we discussed the conclusions from the recent strikes and other important mobilizations in order to help us for the new struggles to come and for which a specific plan has been set up.
The opening statement to the meeting, and on behalf of the Executive Secretariat of PAME, was made by Giorgos Perros, Chairman of the Executive Secretariat.
Also, the General Secretary of WFTU , Giorgos Mavrikos greeted the meeting.
The opening statement was followed by many interventions from presidents of various trade unions, and through them came important experiences from our struggles against the government and the employers. They also highlighted the undermining role of the trade union forces of ETUC in Greece.
The opening statement stressed out all the important work that was done since the 4th National Congress of PAME until today. More specifically about the strikes and the big mobilizations that took place, the Regional Trade Union Centers, the Trade Unions and National Workers’ Federations that rally with PAME, were at the forefront of these struggles and helped in the development of the struggle in different workplaces , contributing especially in the fight for signing of Collective Contracts in various sectors and workplaces.
The National Committee of PAME concluded at a specific plan for the next period against the growing offensive of the capitalists:
In this context, it was decided:
The discussion on the conclusions from our struggles that were developed has to continue and reach the workplaces, along with the preparation and the development of our new plan of action. It is extremely important and a prerequisite that the workers understand that the measures taken from the government are against them and that the attack will continue and will get even stronger. The one thing that can stand against it is the struggle of the class oriented movement.
The forces that are rallied to PAME will focus on the extremely important issue of the Collective Contracts and especially to the General Collective Contract for which a negotiation has already started. Our goal is to support the struggle to each sector / workplace for Collective Contracts that will include a raise of salary and restoration of rights. This struggle has to continue the work that was done all the previous period, from the coalition of 536 trade union organizations which presented a draft Bill before the Parliament – which was rejected by the government-.
PAME will deploy a conclusive plan of action for the signing of a General Collective Contract, with reinstatement of the minimum wage to its previous standards and the reinstatement of the Sectoral Collective Contracts. A campaign will take place in order the trade unions and the workers themselves take into their own hands this issue.
In this context, PAME will propose a General National strike for March. During February a large campaign will take place, using pickets, marches, demonstrations from trade unions, Regional Trade Union Centers and National Workers’ Federations.
At the same time , PAME will support the mobilizations that are already taking place in certain sectors ( Constructions, Food Industry ) , the struggle of the workers in the Shipbuilding Industry Sector for implementing the Collective Contract they have signed.
In the main issues to be addressed, is also the issue of the fight against the auctions and foreclosures against the working class’ homes. This is vital for the working class and helps in the common action of workers, self-employed and small farmers.
On the 21st of February a demonstration will take place in the ministry of Finance in Athens while similar mobilizations will take place in other cities. The Trade Unions have to take up the responsibility of recording workers and other poor people who are in danger from foreclosures.
Also, a demonstration will take place on the 20th of February. That day 35 cadres of PAME are again on trial for a protest made to the ministry of Labor in 2013. PAME calls all Unions, the working class, to condemn the prosecution and show their solidarity to them.
We demonstrate our solidarity to the struggles of the small farmers and the students that take place
The solidarity towards the people of Palestine must grow stronger. We demand the immediate release of all Palestinian political prisoners and of the 16 year old Ahed Tamimi.