WFTU : Solidarity Week with the People of Palestine, 15 – 21 December 2017

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Dear colleagues, WFTU members and friends,

The WFTU announces a week of active, operative and militant solidarity with the heroic Palestinian people. Unite your voice with the voice of the Palestine’s working class! Deploy initiatives during this week in front of Embassies, in front of International Organizations Offices, wherever you decide! Protest, demonstrate, go on strike against the U.S. President’s decision! For the peoples of the entire world and for the WFTU as well, Eastern Jerusalem is the capital of Palestine, within the 1967 borders.

All of you take part in this week of solidarity with the struggling Palestinian people.

Internationalism is the weapon of the world class-oriented trade union movement.

Palestinian people are not alone.

15 to 21 December 2017
Action now for Palestine! 
No to the imperialists’ plans!


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