The Trade Union of Workers in Municipalities of Attica-Athens Region and workers from the Municipalities of Elefsina, Aspropyrgos, Peristeri, Aegaleo, Chaidari, Philadelphia, Korydallos, Petroupolis, Nikeas – Renti, Iliou and Amarousiou since early Saturday morning, November 25, with shovels and machines were found in Mandra, Attica, in order to offer volunteer work, but also to express their class solidarity to the people of Mandra after the devastating floods that the region has suffered in the past.
Despite the time that has passed the situation is still tragic. Deficiencies in basic essentials are still huge. Basic infrastructure still does not exist. Water and electricity in many homes is not available since many homes are still covered in mud.
The huge responsibilities of the Greek governments, of the Regional and the municipal authorities are enormous for the lack of flood defense projects. It also proves that in today’s barbaric capitalist system flood or anti-earthquake protection and safety measures are not a priority since they are not profitable for the big capital.
Against this situation class-based solidarity is our shield. We call on the Unions and all workers to take initiatives, to continue their solidarity to the people of Mandra.