The NESTLE and R-R Groups, are planning to lay off 102 workers from the FRONERI Ice Cream Factory, in Athens.
The owners used to say before: “that it is a good company and that we are a family”, “that a merger would increase production and jobs”, “that the factory would work day and night all year round” and others.
Ultimately, neither the wage cuts made in 2015 nor the unacceptable labor relations with the 3-day and the 4-day work week, nor the intensification of work nor the replacement of workers with cheaper labor were able to keep the factory open.
From the very first moment the Food-Drinks Workers Trade Union of Athens intervened in the employers’ organization. Warned the workers about the negative consequences of the mergers and acquisitions. The Union spoke and tried to break the illusions that the employers and their “parrots”, consciously cultivated. Against the logic of compromise, of the lesser evil.
This decision is part of enhancing the competitiveness and growth of the profits of the NESTLE and R-R monopolies, as they are key shareholders of FRONERI. This development proves who are those who shut down, close the factories.
The notorious “fair growth” that the SYRIZA-ANEL government speaks of means lower wages for workers and new tax breaks, new funding of billions of euros for the monopolies. At the same time poverty, unemployment, and misery for the workers.
In the face of these developments, we call on all colleagues not to accept their dismissal.
To remain united and together with the Trade Union, to fight for no dismissals.
Fight for Signing of a Collective Labor Agreement based on our plan.
Get ready for an all-out conflict with employers to defend our work, our rights, the lives of our families.
With the trade union and along with the workers in the industry, to fight against the “parasites” of society, the industrialists who drink our blood.
To reverse this situation, to become the masters of the wealth we produce.