PAME on the occasion of the “International Day for the Elimination of Racism and Racial Discrimination” addresses all Greek and immigrant workers. It especially addresses all immigrants and refugees, who forcibly fled their countries displaced by the wars, the bombings and the imperialistic interventions, by the ruins and poverty, in search of a better life.
The class-oriented labour movement and the trade-unions fight against racism and nationalism. It’s a poison that fills the veins of the working class.
Every day now we become witnesses of the crime of the NATO-EU and other forces in the countries of the Middle East. Imperialistic wars, murderous interventions on civilians, misery, bombings of cities and villages are the reasons why thousands of people are led to a forced uprooting to seek a refuge. Countless are the deaths in the Mediterranean Sea. Every day, mothers, children, infants lose their lives.
The immigrants and the refugees that are trying in every way to save themselves and their families are victims of war. They don’t leave their countries to get rich but to live under decent, human conditions.
The repression inside and out of our country, their unacceptable entrapment are inhumane. The so-called EU migration policy is a new merciless war at their expense. Over the last weeks and before the closure of the borders, the refugees are stacked up like animals in Greece, exposed to all weather conditions, at roads, sheds, squares and makeshift camps.
The EU migration policy from start to finish aims only at the necessary for the monopolies selection and the apportionment of cheap labour force in order to ensure and increase their profitability.
The Executive Secretariat of PAME addresses a call for strengthening the solidarity. Immediately and continuously, every trade-union, every peoples committee, every massive organization, every one that wants to be called human needs to organize the concentration of material aid for the Refugees and to contact PAME for the delivery of basic necessities.
We demand:
Stop to the entrapment of the refugees, immigrants.
The insurance of the safe and immediate transfer of refugees from the first reception countries (Turkey, Jordan, Lebanon) and from Greece to their final destination countries.
The withdrawal of NATO from the Aegean.
The disengagement of our country from NATO’s plans and imperialistic interventions in the region. The base of war in Souda must be closed now.
Out the Frontex and other EU mechanisms from borders surveillance.
The creation of human and decent open and public temporary reception and accommodation centres for immigrants-refugees, which will function under the responsibility of the Ministry of Immigration Policy.
Also in our country, we call the workers to show no tolerance to fascism and racism, to show no tolerance to the admirers of Hitler, to the murderers of Pavlos Fyssas and to all other criminal activities of the Golden Dawn.
We address the people to condemn the unacceptable release from custody of the murderer Roupakias. Especially the trade unions must be on the alert and isolate the Nazi-fascist Golden Dawn, wherever it shows its face, especially in the sectors and the work places.
The solution is the social alliance, the common struggle of Greek and migrant workers, regardless of race, colour, language and religion, against the common opponent, the EU, the capital and their political personnel. It lies in the struggle for a system without exploitation of man by man, which at the same time will also erase the conditions for the rise to any kind of racist, xenophobic and nationalistic beliefs and criminal activities.
Athens, March 22, 2016