Invitation Balkan Trade Union Forum – April 8-9 2016 – Thessaloniki Greece

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Dear colleagues,

we extend our militant greetings to all our brothers, to all the unionists and base trade unions from the countries of the Balkan Peninsula.


We are particularly worried by the fact that the economic situation of the workers in almost all Balkan countries is almost exhausting, with multifaceted problems, whose main aspects can be centered in the following points:

1. Collective Agreements and Collective Bargaining (salaries, working hours, labor relations, undeclared work, social security etc.)

2. Trade Union Rights and trade union freedoms (interventions by the government and the employers)

This is the situation that exists (in some places is more intense, while in others less intense) in our countries and our region. There are, of course, trade union organizations that show interest, are worried about this ugly situation and organize (based on their forces) their defense and offense. They are unions that respect their role and their mission.

Among these organizations is included the Panhellenic Federation of Workers in Bottled Drinks industry, with its HQ in Thessaloniki, Greece. We are giving our own fights against the antilabor policies of the Greek governments and the anti-people policies of the Greek capitalists.

We think that the Balkan peninsula is the common neighborhood of all of us. We have similar problems for the workers – members of our union. Therefore, we believe that the COORDINATION of “all of us”, will be beneficial for “all of us”.

The Coordination and International Solidarity are the basic weapons of the struggles of the trade union movement.

Aiming to the coordination of all of us, we invite you to an open process of discussion, to a Balkan Trade Union Forum, on April 8-9 2016 in the city of Thessaloniki.

We invite all base trade unions and trade unionists from the Balkan countries, while respecting our particularities, our differences.

Let’s discuss on the above two sectors, let’s exchange information, meet, each one maintaining their values and principles. Any trade union organization willing to fight, so we can defend our rights as workers, has a place in our initiative.

Our Federation, with the help of the World Federation of Trade Unions will cover the expenses of hospitality in Thessaloniki, organization and translation.

For any communication and more information, you can contact the following email [email protected]


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