The branch Trade Unions of Athens Call to an open meeting on 5th of March, which will be followed by a demonstration in Solidarity with the Refugees and Against the coming of NATO in the Aegean Sea
The Trade Unions that sign this Invitation Call all workers’, self-employed and student’s unions, and also peace committees of Athens to a meeting on:
The Organization Of The Struggle Against The NATO Presence In The Aegean Sea And The Government-EU-NATO Decisions Which Cause Wars And The Uprooting Of Refugees – For Solidarity To Peoples’ Struggle And To The Refugees
The meeting will be held on Saturday 5th of March at 10.00
We address an invitation for the organization of our action against the dangerous imperialist plans and the danger of generalization of the war all over Middle East and North Africa which will provoke new innocent victims, as well as new refugee flows. On the pretext of refugee presence, NATO and EU warm up their war machines in our region.
We can’t allow that! The NATO war hawks have no place in the Aegean Sea. We demand that our country doesn’t participate to the imperialist plans. We can’t facilitate any action of NATO. We demand that every NATO base be shut down.
The worker and people movement needs to take place, to be an obstacle to their war plans, to be opposed to the imperialist action. We must strengthen the front against the nationalist and fascist ideology which cultivates xenophobia and racism.
We strengthen our struggle, we resist. We express our solidarity to every people who fights back. To the refugees and immigrants who are being hunted down by despair and death and come to seek a peaceful refuge. We demand human and decent places for temporary hosting as well as measures for their immediate transportation to their destinations under the responsibility of EU and UN.
After the meeting we call to a demonstration at 1pm which will head to EU Offices
Signed by the Branch Trade Unions
Workers in Food – Drink Industries of Athens
Workers in Pharmaceutical Industries of Athens
Metalworkers and Shipbuilding Industries of Greece
Textile Workers of Athens
Printing Union
Workers in Press Agencies of Athens
Paper Industries Union of Athens
Construction Workers of Athens
Electricians Union of Athens
Commerce Employees Union of Athens and Piraeus
Private Companies Employees Union of Athens
Accountants Union of Athens
Tourism – Food – Hotel Workers Union of Athens
Courier and Postal Workers Union of Athens
Telecommunications and IT Union of Athens
Local Administrations Union of Athens
Banks and Finance Employees of Athens
Seafarers unions’ PEMEN “,” Stephenson “” PEEMAGEN “
The Teachers’ Unions SEFERIS “and” Socrates “
National Musicians Union
Private Healthcare Workers’ Union of Athens