Recently took place the congress of UNI ICTS, which is member of the ITUC and ETUC.
To understand the character of the congress we can just see the main speakers. Those where Swedish State Secretary to the Minister for Employment, Virginia Doellgast, Associate Professor of Comparative Employment Relations at the London School of Economic (the notorious school of Multinationals’ Executives and Governments’ Officials), in addition to the executive of the multinational ERICSSON (the same multinational that laid off thousands of workers worldwide in 2015)
On the other hand, we also have a clear example of employers’ trade unionism attempts to present black as white, so as to hide their role as representatives of the employers’ interests. The Federation of Workers in Greek Telecommunications (OME-OTE), subsidiary of Deutsche Telekom, shamelessly presented the collective contract that the Federation signed as an achievement in favour of the workers. But this Collective Contract imposes
Wage cuts of 11% to all workers of Greek Telecommunications (OTE)
It separates the workers to old and new and cuts the new-hired workers’ wages by 40%
It accepts officially the outsourcing practices of the company, the slave trade companies that use flexible working relations, 4hour workdays and monthly contracts
Characteristic of the hypocrisy and the role of the Federation OME-OTE is that for the outsourced workers in the subsidiaries of Greek Telecommunications, the Federation refused them
The right to participate in the federation
The right to join its unions and participate in their elections
It even ignored their request to form Health and Safety Committees
Those are the supporters of UNI. Employers’ trade unionists and executives of multinationals!